About Me

PR Graduate. Shopaholic. Social Networking Freak. I enjoy a glass of wine (or more)

Tuesday 28 December 2010

New Years Eve: The Most Over-Rated Day Of The Year

Christmas Eve - Done. Christmas Day - Done. Boxing Day - Done. Too much eating and drinking with the family - Done. Now what?

After all of the hype that leads up to the winter festivities, I can safely say that now that Christmas is over, I have had the most boring two days, EVER. Yesterday was a bank holiday, nothing was open... there was literally nothing to do. And if that's not bad enough, today was exactly the same. If you don't want to head into town and get trampled on by manic shopaholics who are obsessed with the sales (which I definitely do NOT), you will probably find yourself being stuck at home like I am wondering what to do with yourself. So I thought that this would be the perfect time to write a new post. I haven't written one for a couple of weeks and I thought it was about time I spiced up my page with something new. 

It seems like everyone I've spoken to is feeling the same as I am. Everyone's spent just a little bit TOO much time at home with the family and the next best thing that they are looking forward to is new years eve. This year is the first in about 7 years where I am not going out clubbing, and I couldn't think of anything worse to be honest! Everyone who knows me, know's that I love going out and having a good time, but it has finally hit me that new years eve is possibly the most over-rated night of the year. It's made out to be this amazing and fantastic night where everyone celebrates the year that they have had and looks forward to the year ahead, but the truth of the matter is that it is just the same as any other night of the year, and the only difference is that you have to pay 10 times more for entry and drinks than a normal night. In other words, it's just another media - based, money - making scam. Oh, and something always goes wrong because everyone is too drunk to function. So I have decided to avoid this unnecessary drama and go out for dinner and have a more chilled evening instead! Don't get me wrong, I still will be celebrating and having a good time, but my way will be a little more pocket-friendly and I will probably actually remember the night (for once..ahem). 

I can't think of anything else to write so that will be all... I hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas and has a great new year too (hopefully I haven't put you off too much with my ranting!). Let me know your thoughts about what I have spoken about - Am I being the ultimate boring student? Or do I actually raise a valid point? I think I definitely do! 


  1. Im with you Nat... always expensive and a bit of a flop! You look forward it for ages, and after midnight its always an anti-climax.
    I've never been a huge fan of New Years Eve, being a student you never get to spend it with everyone that you want to as people are doing different things, so unless you can persuade alllll of your home friends (plus their boyfriends and their friends!) to come down to Southampton or wherever you are celebrating, you'll always end up trying to call/send a "HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" text, fighting for signal! im sure you'll agree.

    However... Christmas Eve, I love and always have done! my absolute fave night of the year to go out, everyone's merry and its the only night that everyone you haven't seen in ages will be out.

    So, after your little rant and my confirming negative views, I'll wish you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hope you have a lovely, chilled but good one :) xx

  2. Exactly Jess! Why spend all that extra money to have a pretty average night!? Fair enough if your not a student as you don't go out as much as us students anyway, plus they definitely have more money to spend on celebrations in general. Maybe my opinion will change next year when i (hopefully!) have a job and am earning a nice amount of money!!

    I also agree with you about Christmas eve, but I think Christmas is generally a much more valid reason to celebrate, rather than celebrating the end of one year and then going into another year which will in all fairness probably be pretty much the same as the last one! New year wishes back to you, and I will see you in the New year xxx

  3. I agree, you pay twice as much to get anywhere because cab companies charge twice as much, you pay to enter places like pubs which never usually charge, it takes twice as long to get served at any bar because the place is usually rammed!

    Its just a similar night to any other really but costs you twice as much and what for?

    I think I would rather spend NYE with a few mates at a house party or go into London and watch the fireworks.

    I dont think its a major issue though and if people want to go out and spend crazy amounts of money for a 'good night' then let them.

  4. Yeah that's true, if people want to spend the stupid amounts of money then why shouldn't they! I've done it every year other than this one so I cant really criticise it!! I am just glad I have seen sense and decided against the idea.
